Link of the Day [8.24.08]

See. I’m not the only one infatuated with anime figures. Here’s a girl that likes to show the world her collection. I wish I could spend my money on these damn things. O, wait I already do! I think my interest was piqued when I spotted the Japanese figures and toys flickr pool. The mecha looked cool, but the darn girly figures were so cute, I just had to have one. Anyway, I do have several plus a set of SD Gundam mechs and two veritech fighters. Onward to more toys!

I am. I be.

This is telling from my work computer. I hope the sniffing dogs to catch me playing outside the corporate sandbox.

Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 18%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 82%

Site Male-Female Ratio 0.98 0.9 1.06 1.06 1.15 1.08 1.13 0.79 0.77 0.68 1.11 1.13 1.94 1.94 1.04 1.56

Try it out here. You should post your results there or here. I think it would be okay to post it there. Here, we’ll just make fun of you. >_

Car Detailing MFer!

Yesterday, I washed both my cars. And it kind of sucked because just washing feels somewhat lame.

Late last century with my Mk II VW Jetta, I could have cared less about washing it. It was a light green almost aqua color that hardly showed any dirt. I think I washed it every quarter even less so when I was feeling less than satisfied with her.

When I bought my Mk IV VW Jetta, I barely thought about keeping it clean. Until the second year. Then I was a detailing fiend. I was washing the car once a week. I waxed and polished it twice that year (and the following two years). I even new why and how to use a clay bar. It was perfect for the first four years.

Then it became tough to find time to wash the car. In my new house, I don’t get any shade until the late afternoon around 3. It makes it tough to spend the four hours to really detail the car. That’s just a wash, polish and a wax. It gets too late in the evening to finish it off.

Now with the Mini Cooper, the detailing bug is back. I want to keep the Cooper a nice shiny red. I also want to get the Jetta back to being a beautiful blue. When will I have time to keep this up? What are you doing later?

Finish him

What’s next on the anime list?

I just finished up Bamboo Blade. I think I have a new favorite. So fun. Not overtly showing fanservice. Tama-chan is the bomb.

And Miya Miya. Yanderekko to the max.

Miya Miya.

Kimikiss Pure Rouge

At first, I didn’t understand the meaning of the title. Was it one of those cute japanese word mash ups that didn’t mean anything? Then, with all the characters blushing I finally understand.

That is one tear jerker of a series. Here’s the score for me: 1 couple cheered, 1 couple shrugged. What happens now to the girls that lost? Sakino will end up alright, but Yumi sad, but bravely sallying forth. Gah! Man what a series?!

Proliferation of email

I don’t know about you but I have so many email addresses that it is hard to keep them clean from spam. On my ISP I have 3 email addresses. One at work. Another hotmail and yahoo account. Plus there’s the one for school. That’s six so far. How do people manage their accounts? Their passwords? Does anyone even bother?

Learning to Cook

I need to learn to cook. I saw Racheal Ray do this barbecued succotash which I have a few of the ingredients already in my cupboard. She’s one of my favorites. Thirty minute meals! She makes it look so easy that I can delude myself into thinking that I could make some of her recipes.

I also love watching Good Eats. Alton Brown is kind of a nerdy chef who treats cooking liking writing a program. He makes things so scientific that it makes me want to cook.

Actually, I rarely have the chance to cook. Keep stopping by mom’s. I need to learn to cook, so that when I get a girlfriend, I can cook for her.

New CDs I bought

This past weekend while shopping for a gift for my cousing (30! Happy Birthday, Gerry!) I also bought a couple of albums from Best Buy. First up is The Art of Noise’s “Who’s Afraid of (The Art of Noise?). A classic early 80s album from the masters of found noise as music. Close to the Edit. Moments in Love. I must have been on an old school kick, because I had also picked up Bad Brain’s I Against I. I swear that the intro was covered by Metallica or was in homage of Metallica. Either way you can’t beat hardcore as practiced by rastafarians. The last album is a live De La Soul album recorded live. Now live rap CDs suck. This one does too. You can’t hear the beats. Don’t buy it. I am not gonna give you a link it is that bad. And I am a really big De La fan and saw them live and rip shit up on there De La Soul is Dead tour. 2 out of three ain’t bad.