Me In Coldplay

Snowmageddon Selfie.

Snow-pocalypse! That shit was coming down. We need one of these blizzards every three years. And we need some snow every winter. Fudge global warming.


Nothing to write about except for the weather.

And I don’t like writing about the weather, because it is the cheapest form of small talk.

But the weather is something right now. Here on the East Coast, it has been cold for the last two weeks.

I look forward to 32F. That’s downright balmy.

I look forward to 26F and no wind. It almost feels like 32F. Let the wind blow and it makes it rather chilling.

At the moment, it is 10F according to the weather widget on my laptop. And outside is cold, too. I kid. I kid. But at 10F, my house is going to get cold making the heat run making it hot. It’s too hot upstairs, too cold downstairs. I’m sleeping on the stairs.

I wore four layers today. I wish I could layer up my house. Put a scarf on it and a knit cap. Wear some thermals. Something to make it warmer;

I just need some warmer days.

I’m looking forward to 35F.

Snow January 2014

It’s cold, and there is snow on the ground. I’m also drinking a milkshake, and the thermostat is set at 63 F (that’s a blog post for another time). I’m cold. It’s cold this year. There’s another Polar Vortex on the way. Throw on some blankets and huddle down.

Winter Wonderland

I’m purposely posting everyday to get me to Little Christmas as the eastern Church would call it. Here’s a shot from the Ice! ice show at National Harbor south of DC.

It was a cold, cold experience even though today’s temperatures reached into the 50s. I wore my Patagonia Better Sweater, a hat, and a scarf, yet the provided parka they gave to you help insulate me more. Unfortunately, I did not have gloves and it got cold. After a bit, I wanted warmth.

This is a reminder that over the Holidays there are some things to do besides eat, sleep, and watch television.

Get up.
Go out.
Enjoy the winter!

Hawaii Vacation 2010: Azusa in Sunshine


This winter is for real. There’s several inches on the ground and it looks like more coming our way. Now if this doesn’t make you want to go back to Hawaii, I don’t know what will.

I had brought my Azusa nendoroid with me to help document where we went. I did because, as an otaku, you do stupid things like that. Bring your doll to work day! Anyhow, I didn’t get too many pictures because my sister-in-law kept harassing me about it making me feel very embarrassed. I know that I shouldn’t have been, but what can you say about a grown man carrying a doll around?

Hunkered Down

Currently, just chilling in front of the boob tube with the blinds open and watching the snow come down. It’s a very interesting sight, because from where I sit see the main road. A car passes by every once in awhile, slowly, and I wonder how they trudge through this wintry weather. It’s supposedly coming down a couple of inches an hour, and it’s supposed to last well into the night. This is the best storm so far this winter.

Earlier at work, when it was still just rain, I had knew I had to leave early. When a co-worker packed up and left because his wife told him that northern Harford county was getting snow, I decided to get going while the going was easy. That was 3:30. Half an hour later and safely at home, the rain turned into sleet, and then another thirty minutes it was driving snow. If I had stayed at work as I would usually do, I would’ve been driving in this mess. I’m starting to get smarter about the commute in this weather. Took me 10 years.

Now, I have the lights off and the television on. I have finished dinner. My stock of ramen dwindling. I’m craving some sweets and want to walk up to the Royal Farms for something, but decide against it. If I can only peer at the traffic like you can with the traffic cameras on CHART on the web, I may just go out for a walk. These cameras are a great way to watch the winter arrive. It’s also just as good as watching television. It’s all live and real.

Time to stay warm and dry tonight.