Snow is coming down

Winter Storm

Went out in the snow to check out what and how it’s coming down. It’s a mess. More like sleet than snow. I don’t think we’ll be getting that two feet, because it’s too wet and it’ll compact itself down. I think it would be more like a foot.

Unless it keeps coming down until tomorrow evening like they say it will.

Cheese curls

Looking for snacks before the storm?

I wish Planter’s still made their cheese snack line especially their cheese curls. I loved that they advertised on the can that it was made with real cheese flavor. Hmm, made with cheese flavor? That doesn’t sound like it was made with real cheese though.

As far as getting snowed in. I’ve already got some ramen and some eggs. I just need the salty snack to help while away the lonesome day.

Snowing once again…

What a winter! It hasn’t been like this for fifteen years. We’ve had a big snow storm before Christmas. It wasn’t a blizzard, but it snowed for two days. Then we’ve got the cold. There were a few days earlier this year where it was below 30F. Now it’s snowing again. Winter time.

It’s a wonder that I haven’t gone boarding.

Traffic Report

It's snowing. Once commited to getting to where you want to go, stay
there until this weather dies out. I knew that once I pulled out of my
driveway. I'm committed as Itsuki-chan and her LSD had me floating on
the snow as if I wasn't moving, but I was slowly.The back roads are terrible. I witnessed a 7 series BMW backing up
because he couldn't get up Dolfield. That's only a 1% grade! Red Run
wasn't much better, but at least the traffic on it grooved some tracks
to the pavement. The highways were much better. You could go fast, but that would be
stupid. If you really don't need to go, then you don't have to go. Curl up with
a good manga. Watch TCM. Do anything but drive. It's snowing. I was anxious and couldn't stay hope. Once I left my driveway. I was
committed. Now I'm at work. And I want to get home. I'm waiting for
the snow to stop.

It’s Snowing

Yay! A wintery storm has finally come. I like it when it snows. Quiet. Peaceful. I guess this is it for winter 2006.