Public Transit Twist

Crazy movie-like dream involving I. It must be written down or else lose it to the haze of memory as I wake. This dream had a great story line with a beginning middle and an end. Yet, it is already going.

I calls me out of the blue, and invites me over to her parents house on Saturday. They live right down the road from me. Really, they did in real life. I’m ecstatic and can’t wait for the weekend to come.

On the day, I take public transportation or maybe walk over. When I get there, she invites me in. Her parents are not there, but she’s not alone in the house. She’s with a blonde haired young dude who she introduces me to. The guy can’t stay and leaves us to ourselves. I at first think the guy is a neighbor; he’s young and as he leaves, he walks down the street. Later, dude! I get to spend a Saturday with I!

This part of the dream is leaving me now.

We drink coffee. We hang out. We talk about our lives that has passed. We clean up her parents house. I am having a good time. It feels like I may have a chance with her again. At one point she goes to throw some things out, and I give her a hand. As she walks out the door with the garbage bag, she mentions that she never was married. She never had kids. I get the shakes hearing this. The window of opportunity just opened, right?

I start turning on the charm and try to be less subtle in my passes. I put the moves on her getting close to her, and she begins to feel uncomfortable. I back off slightly not wanting to ruin things. Then it is evening, and I had to go.

I’m taking the bus back home. She’s steps out for a minute as I get my things together. I’m giddy trying to figure out how to restart our friendship and turn it into a relationship. Can I finally go out with I? Is she home to stay? She did say she liked me and missed me right before I got all forward, right? Yes, maybe, hopefully.

But she returns with the young blonde boy who I thought was her neighbor.

We get on the bus. Me and I on one side; the blonde boy on the other. I’m very happy thinking how to end this right. I think that I should ask her out to dinner or drinks or get her phone number. I can envision establishing a relationship wherein we end up married. It just may happen. She is my über-girl, and it would mean a lot to have her as a girlfriend.

As we are jostled around, I make a pass on her. I attempt footsies. I tickle her toe with mine except that it didn’t really tickle. It seemed I scratched her with my toenails. She cries out, and I know that I’ve just killed any chance with her. She rubs her toe, and then the twist of this dream happens. The blonde boy immediately jumps to her side and embraces her! Comforts her. He rubs her feet and relaxes her. She gives him a peck on the forehead, but it is a signal to me that she is spoken for. She had brought him along as a hint that she had a boyfriend! My hopes are shot, and I can’t of think of anything to salvage the situation. Maybe I can get in the friend zone and bide my time.

I wake up without ever finishing that bus ride.

73 and 89

Season ticket holder

The title to this post refers to what I hope the Orioles record will be at the end of the season. Yup. Still below .500 and they’re still not gonna win that many no matter how much I wish. Not with that starting rotation or that defense. They’ll still be the bumbling Orioles. Lovable, but bumbling.

It’s Camden Yards’ Twentieth Anniversary, and for 14 of those years it’s been nothing but losing. Can you imagine that after all those sold out games of its first decade? It really is hard to imagine. The promise and the reality are just hard to figure.

These 2012 Orioles have a lot to prove, but must do it in the most toughest division in baseball. Their rivals are better organizations and make the owner look retarded. If only Orioles fans could get a better owner.

Well, at least we’re in first place by virtue of the alphabet.

Megamillion Fever Dreams

Now that the Megamillions frenzy is over, we can breathe, laugh, and cry about the whole last week. Why? It’s because I had been daydreaming about winning. Hoping beyond hope to hit the jackpot. Praying for something that will never happen, but believing that just maybe, just maybe it may.

One of the winning tickets was bought down the road. I was at work on a Saturday when I heard that it was in Baltimore County. To continue working was difficult. I sat banging away code and thought maybe, just maybe, I had the winning ticket. I left work quickly determined to find out if I did.

I drove home thinking of all the ways to enjoy that money.

Of course I didn’t win. Just my luck. Yet, I knew. There were no cameras around the Exxon at work from which I bought my ticket. There would have been television crews to look for the winners. I didn’t see any; I wasn’t a winner.

There’s lots I would’ve done with that cash. I would dream about that lots. Who I would share it with? Who else I would share it with? I wouldn’t have a job quitting right there on the spot, because I don’t want to work no more. That was the last I could think, just get the hell out of work. One of the last things I need a new job.

“Thomas Edison wasn’t trying to invent something that was readily available in a wide variety of stores near his home.”

Copenhagen Fashionista on Wheels
Picture courtesy Mikael Colville-Andersen of Copenhagen Cycle Chic Blog

She takes her bike and paints it green. She hangs a white basket off the front and places a bell on the handlebar. She doesn’t wear spandex, but a flirty skirt. A smart, navy jacket rounds out the ensemble. Putting her bag in the basket, she pushes off towards her destination. The crisp morning air as she moves through it brings a slight blush on her cheeks. Her sunglasses catch the sun and she flashes that smile of hers as she enjoys the morning ride. Picture perfect.

Here’s to girls that ride bikes. The greatest invention. The bike. Plus, females. The two combine for beautiful motion. They are things to be happy about.

Saturday Post

Plenty to talk about. Hard to write down though. Trying to capture some things that have been rattling around my head this early month of 2010, the year we make contact.

Watching movies is getting hard again. Netflix queue is backed up again. Perhaps it may take longer than usual to unclog and I’m sure I’m approaching the last overdue record. Sunshine why must you mock me? Going to the movies? Also hard, especially with lame movies like this. Are there gonna be anything good coming out? Or do I have to wait for this or this.

Baseball season will commence soon. In thirty or so days, spring training. Then I will get to sit next to Nick Markakis in right for thirteen games. There’s still time if you want to join me. Yet, they just raised the prices for walk up games. How am I going to go to all the business men specials on the spur of the moment? I planned to go to all the day games and root, but I’m disappointed in the price hike. Didn’t we just show up and buy tickets lots last year?

Work is still sucky. I’m not feeling it as a software engineer. I wish I knew someone that would make working fun. Let’s build out good software. I wish I could be cool again.

Got a cool app. Mini-Link. Don’t know if it works. It’s a social app. Why aren’t Mini drivers girls?

Trying to read lots of books. Still stuck on that city one. I’m onto Green Mars. I have to get to my Christmas present. I still go to the bookstore, but I’m trying to hold off on the books.

Anime! Anime! Anime! Manga! Manga! Manga! The only spring anime I’m torrenting is Baka to Test to Shokanju. Funny! Still watching KimiTodo, Cross Game, and Railgun. Still buying lots of manga.

Nendoroids are my favorite. I have received four more and I haven’t opened up the boxes on three. I want more. More nendoroids! They are so cute.

Plenty of more to say, but I can’t keep writing. Hit me up in comments with your thoughts especially those of the 16 early days of January.

Let’s do this

Someday. We’re doing this. It’s the Alleghany trail from Frostburg, MD, but what’s cool is that you can get to it from the C&O. It will eventually get you to Pittsburgh for a good 350 miles of pedaling fun. Now that sounds like a good bike week. Let’s see: 60 miles a day for 6 days. All on a rail to trail. I thought the C&O sounded tough.

“Conviction later overturned when new evidence showed that the defendent was not drunk but merely the world’s number one Rangers fan…”

… returning HOME from the GREATEST overtime WIN in the HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE”

Link of the Day [9.09.09]

The upside down devil day? Jeez, loueez!

Anyhow. Apple looks to update something today. Everyone’s calling for new iPods. How about upgrading iPhone storage capacity? 64 GB? Would make the switch instantly. But today’s just iPod day so this ain’t going to happen.

“Except for one lucky person who gets a bonus of $3000, or as I like to call it, ‘The Big Bonus’.”

Dear Baltimore Orioles,The season is winding down, and your annual fade to October, started in July, is in full effect. Please, win at least 7 games this last month is all I ask. That may be hard with who's coming to town, but if you win at least one game from the series, it's possible. Possible. Hope.Seven games will get you to sixty wins. Is this the bottom? And is the turn around coming? We'll see.Yours,