Link of the Day [8.27.19]

I’m hoping you are reading this in your RSS reader of choice. I especially hope, if you’re on a Mac, that you’re reading this in the re-release of NetNewsWire. It was an old RSS reader for the Mac back during the early 00’s when blogging was fun. It’s back in the late teens because blogging is still fun. Go, download it now, if you want a better RSS reader. Their iOS app is forthcoming.

Link of the Day [6.26.13]

I’m gonna have to find a new browser. There will be no more Camino development. What am I going to use on the TiBook? I need a somewhat modern browser for Leopard. Camino was it. Now it is done. Relegated to the bit bucket in the sky. Maybe I should start using Safari more.

Quote of the Day [12.11.08]

“I’m interested in upgrading my 28.8 kilobaud Internet connection to a 1.5 megabit fiber optic T1 line. Will you be able to provide an IP router that’s compatible with my Token Ring Ethernet LAN configuration?”

Comic Shop Guy, The Simpsons “Das Bus”

Link of the Day [7.29.08]

Here’s a new search engine. What?! You use something other than google? Is there anything else besides google? I mean my statcounter when I check the search engine references are nothing but google. Maybe there’s a stray AOL and a technorati search, but it’s 100% google 99.98% of the time.