Link of the Day [7.21.11]

I did purchase Lion last night and currently in the middle of the download. Actually, I’m nowhere near the middle as my pocky, slow-ass DSL will take a few days to pull in the full 3+ GB file. That’s one strike against it. Only when the US internet speeds are decent will digital downloads be awesome.

Anyhow, if it’s a new version of OS X, then it’s time for the Ars Technica data dump/review. If you played around with Lion, read it and see if it matches your experience. If you haven’t, read it and see if it gets you to upgrade.

Now back to my download…. {I’ll see you in a couple of days…}

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Would this review be about the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 or the book or both? I’m not too sure, but I guess I’m gonna start writing.

We caught this on the opening night, Thursday midnight. It was packed with you folks who probably learned to read reading the first Harry Potter book. And it was fun as everyone was into it. The last movie doing the last book, and doing it justice.

The first half hour was continuation of the first part and it felt like we walked into the middle of the film. It was the middle of the last film if you think about it. Then they went to get the horcruxes and the emotional rollercoaster began as the final parts of Harry Potter unspooled on screen. There was the Battle of Hogwarts and the final duel and then 17 year later. We were done and so is Harry’s story.

I think I like the final two books better than there movies. They were info dense and expository writing which made it difficult to bring to the screen a movie that “showed” rather than “tell.” I find that there is no money scene. The one to watch. I guess it is better in my head.

Overall, the movie is perfectly fine and wraps up the series well. I made everyone in the theatre happy and isn’t that how we wanted it?

4 of 5 stars

I can’t stand Twilight

Larry Crowne

If I had to pick between the bad teacher in Larry Crowne and the eponymous bad teacher of Bad Teacher, I’m picking Julia Roberts. I can learn from her and not from Cameron Diaz.

Roberts’ character cared that her students learned. She just didn’t like herself. It took Tom Hanks to make her care for herself.

Tom Hanks is Larry Crowne or, as the girl who stole the show called him, Lance Coronona. It’s Hanks being Hanks. He directs, writes, and stars in this movie.

And it’s the girl, Talia, that makes it all worthwhile. Gugu Mbatha-Raw breathes some life into a somewhat stale movie. Her character is vibrant living the life carefree, but always thinking about others. She invites Larry into the scooter club and forces change on him that makes him approach life with more confidence. Not that Tom Hanks lacks confidence, but the terrible luck preceding him seems to go away once he meets Talia.

And that scooter club with Wilmer Valderrama was hilarious. Where has Wilmer been? He was funny in this.

While this one was somewhat boring, can you ever find fault with Tom Hanks?

3 of 5 stars.

UPDATE: I forgot. Are community colleges the hip happening place? And all throughout the film, I was hoping that the study group from Greendale CC would show up and we’d have a CC throw down: scooter club versus the study group. Here’s where I put up the obligatory, “Go, Annie!”

Bad Teacher

I’ve seen terrible movies, and I’ve seen terrible movies so bad their good. And then there’s Bad Teacher. Don’t watch it.

Someone tell me why Cameron Diaz got to open a movie? Is she still a star? For a second there, I thought that they filmed this movie a few years ago when Diaz and Justin were an item. The studio at that time knew how terrible a movie this was. They dumped it here when it was time enough to recoup there investment. Considering it made some moola this weekend, they may just get the money back.

It is bad.

1 of 5 stars

Green Lantern

Green Lantern isn’t as bad a movie as the critics make it out to be. I’ve seen clunkers (I’m looking at you Fantastic Four movies) made from comic book movies and this one doesn’t lower itself to those other’s terrible-ness. It beat my low expectations.

Green Lantern suffers the issues associated with every first movie of a comic franchise: how to make the origin story compelling. We don’t have to worry about it for Green Lantern, because, besides comic geeks, no knows the origins of Green Lantern. The interesting origin is built it although it is rather pedestrian. The interstingness comes from lack of familiarity. There was nothing to screw up (I’m looking at you Xmen origins). The newness of this comic book hero mad it interesting already. It just a straight up telling of Green Lantern origins.

You do know that Green Lantern is the 3rd most powerful DC character. I don’t really care for DC, so this movie is even better for making me care. Ryan Reynolds is Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern. As much as expected, I was wanting more Van Wilder.

Overall, I’ve seen worse. If you’re a DC fan, does this live up to expectations?

3 of 5 stars.

Super 8

After all the bombast of the latest summer films, Super 8 was a nice respite. It doesn’t hit you over the head with action scenes after action scenes, but it builds slow like films of yesteryear, the 70s to be exact.

It harkens back to lots of movies that occurred before the advent of Michael Bay. There is not much spinning or hyper-cutting or stupid action that happens for actions sake. There is a deliberate pace, a build up to the climax.

It’s an abandoned alien story with a modern twist. CG. It had some close encounters aspects, mixed with ET, some Goonies, some ID4. It was 1979. It was fun to bike to school, to your friends house, to town. Biking is good. It gets you around. Ask Elliot.

The alien was supposedly friendly. How friendly can you get stuck on this rock since Roswell.? He was also weird. I couldn’t decide what he was or if it was cool. Not really, but ET phone home right?

I saw this in a digital theatre and it was dark. Not the movie, but the projection. I should’ve watched the analog print. Better that way. Has this digital stuff been terrible especially with that 3D technology?

3 of 5 stars

X-Men: First Class

These aren’t the X-Men I grew up with. This aren’t Professor Xavier’s first students. Where’s Jean Grey? Angel? Scott Summers? Iceman? Who’s this Darwin fella? Is he even in the comics? The Hellfire club was the original bad guys? Where’s The Fellowship of Evil Mutants? And how fucking funny is the title: The Fellowship of Evil Mutants? I think I got that wrong.

So, I caught X-Men: First Class and wish I hadn’t. They retconned everything. Why? Are we so bored of the original X-Men that we could not care to see any of them again? And then they get these guys to fill in? Banshee? Havok? Angel? I know I stopped reading X-Men, but where are all these mutants coming from?

The movie revolves around the Magneto versus Xavier view of being mutant: rule over or co-exist with humanity. Magneto comes through anger to create his world view. Xavier comes from privilege. Magneto was Bondian. Xavier was prissy. When did the X-Men become lame? (Right around the first xmen movie)

Well, at least Rose Byrne was in it. Once again, remember when she was the frumpy one?

2 of 5 stars.


Walking into Bridesmaids I believed that it was going to be a female Hangover. The movie poster and the television advertising led me to believe that. It wasn’t. It was more along the lines of a female Knocked Up except without the vagina. What I’m saying is that it was more subtle than any bromance. It had the introspection of the lead looking trying to find a path forward. It was, as old movies of this genre would be called, a women’s film.

There was some raunch. There was no Vegas.

They let the women be non-glamorous except for Rose Byrne. Remember when Rose Byrne was the frumpy one? Yeah, she’s come a long way and I am happy to see her get a big, important supporting role in a high profile summer movie. Yes, I know that she was in one years back, but I’m glad to see her get glammed up.

You know who produced this movie? Judd Apatow. And you can tell because they weren’t afraid to take a comedy that could’ve been about 90 minutes into the 120 minute zone. Yup, it was long and you can tell that it. At least it wasn’t 150 minutes because I can imagine them taking it to that time limit. This is where the movie sligthly failed.

The funny didn’t really happen much after the 1:00 mark. The raunch from the early part disappears and it becomes slightly serious. Who knew? The film makers, but not the marketers. They must want a hti really bad to fake out the moviegoers.

3 of 5 stars.

I Just Can’t Stop It

All this talk of Rough Riders led me to purchasing The (English) Beat's first album, I Just Can't Stop It, from iTunes. Originally, I was going to get Rough Riders, but I had to commit to a classic 2-tone ska album. Let me tell you this is a fine album. You can't Beat it.I only listened to The Beat in compilation form — the best of the best as compiled by purveyors of pop music. This means I've only heard two of their songs, Mirror in the Bathroom and Sooner or Later. Of course, I'm hearing them also on the Trojan Records ska compilation, but most of that is live material consisting of covers. I've not heard their original stuff as put out in the second, 2-tone, ska wave.Listening to this album is a revelation. It's very close to sounding like ska from Jamaica. Yet, it is 2-tone ska. You can't beat the sax on this album or the rythms. Yeah. I can't believe I hadn't heard this album in it's entirety until this year. Is The Specials first album as energetic, too?

Something Borrowed

Mom wanted to watch a movie for Mother’s Day so instead of Thor we went and caught the other movie opening that weekend, Something Borrowed. What we all do for our mothers is not enough. I can only say I experienced 0.01% of the pain of childbirth watching this movie. It was painful and I can’t imagine the rest.

First, I can’t get over Kate Hudson as a 30 year old. Isn’t she older than me? And if she isn’t I’m scared.

Next, I hope the book is better with better written characters that are not cliche: the hard charger, the walkover, the long suffering guy pal. I’m hoping that their relationships are fleshed out better. Why stick with that girl? Why did they never hook up? How can those two not be friends?

Third, express not repress your feelings. Say you like the guy. Tell your best friend that you like the guy. Convince yourself that you deserve him. He’s only looking at you with sparkly eyes as well. Jeez, get a clue.

Finally, if you’re best friends, I want to know why you can’t talk to each other?

Jeez, chick-flicks, they get a bad rap, but then a movie like them their deserved reputation.

2 of 5 stars